Tag Archives: life-choices

Peace Within

I wake to sweetness

every single day.

I feel guilt as well

that these days,

I mirror more

the positive side of life;

that I’m not brought down 

by these thrusting issues

looming around me.

I’m mostly shocked 

that I smile, laugh 

dance and skip,

when I should shrink 

into my unpleasant shell

And groan till 

I groan no more.

And to think that I do 

not make much effort

to cage the impact 

of an awful mood

is a rare miracle.

It’s as if there’s nothing

At all to fuss about.

Now, they say

I’m the fairest of all.

Haha, how exact 

their words!

I’m at my best since 

manner began

 to proclaim so.

Feels like I walk around

defrauding them?

Guiding them

 to believe what

Isn’t real?

Should I wear dilemmas 

Like befitting apparel,

And walk the boulevards

As though I’m insane?

– To show off the details of me?

 I’m strong enough

 to impede 

those annihilating


And I’m blessed 

to be this way.

I’m blessed to have God.

Peace within.

Still Searching

He fell in love with a song from the late 1970s’, Still Searching by Bongos Ikwue. It was one of his father’s favorites and his mother always swayed to it each time it played. He loved the song so much that he played it after tying the knots, in his car, in the house, in his office and anywhere else he could.

I've been searching for
For true love
And I'm gonna
keep on searching
Till I find.
Nothing good comes easy
Best I know
Gonna keep on searching
Till I find...

For an obvious reason his wife hated this song and wanted him to stop listening to it. She said it’s the worst song for a happily married couple.  

‘This old school, honey reminds me of the good old days. That’s all.’ He said as if present days were bad.

‘Give it up,’ she said, ‘Can’t stand it. Can’t just stand it.’

His brows heaved up and his eyes narrowed when he saw her red eyes. She was certainly reading meanings into why he listened to the song. None of his explanations made her feel better about why he listened to the song. For him it’s about the sound, nothing else. He loves the sound, a lot.

He couldn’t just stop. Not yet. Not ever.

 One day he came home and she was gone. She left him a note; 

I hope you find your true love. If I’m the one, get rid of that song and come get me. You have only twenty four hours starting from now. – Love

He glared at the note. Such a trivial matter! How could she?

But he had to choose between her and his choicest old school song.

He got rid of the entire album and wondered if his father could have done the same for his mum.


She's a little over eighty,
Wears heels high and pointy,
and stands tall, joyful and strong,
even when they say she's wrong.

She's beautiful by the way.
She's more so with hair grey.
Her ageless steel toughness,
Keeps in tune with gingerliness.

They wince while she prances,
And run when she dances.
They've the right to be scared,
But none to say she has erred.

When her Maker keeps her fit,
The last thing she'll do is quit.
There's no better way to live,
than to take the good life gives.

She turns a hundred and weak.
Now sits in her chair and peeks
At her grandchildren find their fit
And smiles as recollection permits

Wise Saying |A Ship In The Harbour Is Safe, But That’s Not What The Ship Is Made For – English Proverb

 For those who do not make it their permanent residence, the benefit of a comfort zone cannot be crossed out.

 When you stick to the dance style you have mastered or remain in the job you are well experienced in or drive the vehicle you are used to, you live without much stress. You are more confident because you are good at it already. You don’t need someone to ridicule you for an amateur performance or cast you away as inexperienced. Think of it, life is easier here. You are free from worries and terrors of new challenges and risks.

It serves as a winding-off region, a rejuvenating spot, where you recover yourself from all the stress, risk and discomforts of a normal life. So, the comfort zone shouldn’t be cast away, it should only be broadened by pushing its boundaries out from the other side, the side which is not the comfort zone. 

Now, imagine a strong, beautiful ship, full of potential which never left the harbour because the waters are rough. Imagine how weak and worthless that ship will eventually seem. 

The Comfort zone is the most pleasing place to be, yet the most ridiculous place to remain. Unfortunately, many are living for too long in different levels of a crippling comfort zone. Many are comfortable with the little amount they receive as a salary and sometimes live their entire lives doing one job and in one company they are comfortable working with — what you have is better than what you don’t have since a bird at hand is worth more than a million birds elsewhere right? Wrong.

The truth is that you do not know that you can add to the number of the birds in your hand and the only way to do that is to get out there, face the challenge and catching more.

 Exercise is an integral part of life but I have always wished I could live my life without a regular workout routine and be fine. Like a flickering light, I keep going on and off but because I know its significance, I break free from my comfort at least two or three times a week to do the thing that is important to my health. I must confess that doing this is one of the hardest things. 

 Sometimes What keeps you in your comfort zone is fear. You fear to take that first step like hell, just like a baby who would rather keep moving on its butt than take the first step, you remain where you are and do the things you feel safe doing.

Anxiety, fear of the unknown and thoughts that there is never a better place than where you are, keep you in the place of convenience and these things cost you growth and make fulfilling your potential impossible. You miss out on the rewards of trying a challenging or risky new activity when you hold back.

There is no better way to tackle a weakness than to come out of our comfort zone and there is no way to rejuvenate than revisiting it. This is where striking a balance comes in. You need to find a way to balance the equation of life. 

Like a traveller who takes some time off after a long hazardous journey, you need to sneak into your pampering, nurturing comfort zone sometimes, to get your sanity back and get back into your normal life, your normal life is not your comfort zone, your comfort zone is only a place you can recollect yourself.

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